So I’m on my way to Elliot Bay Book Store with my camera in hand because that’s what I do with a day to kill in Seattle. I’m at Seattle Center and decide to catch the monorail to Westlake Center to shorten my trip. The train arrives and like a kid I scramble to the front of the train to get next the best view. I sit in the seat next to the driver.
“Hi there! I’ll be your co-pilot today”
“Thanks. I need all the help I can get. ”
“Are sure you know the way?” I ask.
“More or less” he says
The driver has developed a pained expression like he knows what I’m about say. So I let him have it.
“Have you ever gotten speeding ticket on this thing?”
I keep it coming
“The boys back at the shop are wondering how you got lost last week”
“Who is most annoying person you have ever had on a trip besides me”
The train pulls into Westlake but not soon enough for the driver I’m sure.
The longest 4 block train of his life